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An Amerindian village, Balaté, wich has its words to say, speaks.

Brigitte Wingaard: My Wishes

"There's no to way to cast all Guyana's  wealth in the same mould "

Year 2000 will not be like the previous ones.
Guiana will awake, and change without any doubt. Politics, is far from being only the art of building a 2-way roads, sugar concerns or spending millions and millions. Being in politics, means first of all, deciding how men, women and the children of the tomorrow's society, will live in a country where there are much space, a lot of different people. I am worried when I hear the politicians talking in their ways, about integration, which is tantamount to assimilation in an artificial society where Amerindians will never be sure to enjoy a fair place. Besides, we are not simply sure to eventually recognize our children tomorrow, or within ten years, or twenty years. Assimilation, is just an expression of a handful of decision-makers'will, in an attempt to make Guyana look like their mental representation, at the risk of diverting it from its destiny.
What a danger! On the contrary, if you like Guyana , you make up your mind to accept its communities, its social organisation and its cultures just as they are. We are    different and equal.
My only wish is that politicians women and men alike, have as an ambition to eventually make  Guyana a beautiful country, by giving up any attempt to cast all the country's wealth in the same mould. I wish all the people of Guyana a happy future.

Contact : Tel/Fax : 0594 34 47 66
B.Wyngaarde 38 allées des Maripas
Village Balaté
97 320 St Laurent du Maroni

Guyane Française
    in touchIn touch with Brigitte Wingaard with Brigitte Wingaard
Here and there, and troughout the wold , there are human groups who are not in favour of the model of development offered or imposed by Western nations. They want their traditions to go hand in hand with progress so that, to-morrow their children be able to tread upon their native village .
The French Amazonia wants to keep its traditions, thus  contributing to  French diversity.
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Men's survival is related to that of all alive species.fleche_droit.gif (972 octets)
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